Jurnal entrie-1862
Septembar 22, 1862
battle of sharpsburg
oh my gollie gosh i barlly maed it out alivee. their waz 23,000 casualties. we were
juzt en battle fur 1 whol day. Johnny and Ronnie rip. this hear battle waz tha
bludiest batole of dem all. dont think da war wil bee over yeet. i hav bein survivin
on hardtacks, rations, and foraging. da onion hat so many troops bubble tha
1s we had. mclellan sent his soo caled soldiers en wavs. Dat aint gunna wurkout
too well fur him. he had alot of chance tu end da war butt didnt take advantege
uv tham. he all so had r batol plans. we werreh duin supa bad butt held strong.
mclellan went bak + dat gave us time tu get sum more soldiers. we kinnda lost
butt kinda wun. bc thas onion kept usout da capitol butt. IK lee relay wantid tha
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