
Showing posts from April, 2019

Jurnal entries 1863

July     ,1863 its da summa. gen.lee wants a big win. he brings 75000 peeps too PA. i needed sum betta shoes soo I went tu a shoe stor butt i seen sum onions they're so i went tu lee and told him. annd da battle began. i hat tu march tu Gettysburg. gen.heth waz our gen. da battol tok 3 days. da onion held high ground. soo many peeps dead. soo many men die.da injured men out # townsss peeps 12 tu one.

letter home

deer father i really really tired  and i am really luky to be alive n riting to you. we had just foght in the bloodiest battle of the civil war . i los a lot of my friends in it and im now sad. mr. lee is really really proud of us and i felt like his plans were stolen. well i really got to go now.... love yall your son, james brookes

lettr hom-1863

Hi Ma and Pa        We r not doin to wel on tha battle fild. We los tha battle of gettysburg  and en 2 dayz tha t otl numbr casulties los is 37000 . at 1 poent towads tha end of day 2 we wer doin ok til 1 regiment en maine cam attackt us wit bayonets.  I wus ther and it was relly scarie but i manige to escap. Thank u for tha las lettr. it wus grat to kno that Al is doin well and i wil kic a yankees arss for him.                                                                                    yor son Andy

number 3

dear family, i mis u all a lot. i am very forchanate to be aliv rigt now. i just fight in the bloodiest battle in histoey. The batlle of antidum . lots of ma friends died but my regiment survied. This year ma regiment did very good and general lee is proud. Pray we kep up tha good work up. i am writien this in ma free time which i dont have much of. I miss all uf you all. keep me updated on how home is going and tell me about the kids! With lots of love, Fred Bloom Jr

2nd jornal intry- 1862

deer father durin the shiloh battl i wuz freaking out. i didint really no what to do... i loss sum of my friends but we one! and i wuz realli realli happi. peeple say dat it wuz the bloodiest battl of the war ! well bye father! ill see u when i get back!

Jurnal entrie-1862

Septembar 22, 1862  battle of sharpsburg oh my gollie gosh i barlly maed it out alivee. their waz 23,000 casualties . we were juzt en battle fur 1 whol day.  Johnny and Ronnie rip. this hear battle waz tha  bludiest batole of dem all.  dont think da war wil bee over yeet. i hav bein survivin  on hardtacks, rations, and foraging . da onion hat so many troops bubble tha  1s we had. mclellan sent his soo caled soldiers en wavs.  Dat aint gunna wurkout  too well fur him. he had alot of chance tu end da war butt didnt take advantege  uv tham. he all so had r batol plans.   we  werreh duin supa bad butt held strong.    mclellan went bak + dat gave us time tu get sum more soldiers . we kinnda lost  butt kinda wun . bc thas onion kept usout da capitol butt . IK lee relay wantid tha  capitol . 

Jurnal intrey-1862

Aaaarrggg. I los mi bud Hank en tha battle at Shiloh. we won tha battle but i losted a good frend of myne. Bein' at tha battle waz terroizing. bluud waz evrey wear and peple r gettin bloed up. mit as wel call it tha bluudiest battle durin the civil war.  wel as long as i stell hav fred, mi slav, and mi rits this war iz wurth it. 

2nd journal entry

Dear famiy, I miss ya tons. I been doing lot of training fro my regiment. but me and them rebs won tha battle of malassass! We were under the command of Bearegaurd. We been super hopeful lately. Them Union thought they gonna win the batlle easlily, but we sure proved dem wrong.   This may be a long hard battle so it may be a whil befor i see u all again. How is things goin at home? AN how are da kids? Much love, Fred Bloom Jr.

Jurnal entrie- lawrence hooper

Juli 16, 1861 its ben a cuple of weeks and we r undir tha comand of Genral  Beuregaurd . we r tryin to get info bac from ar spy.  tha onion iz  planin sum type of invazion tu cutt of ar zupply sistem . we hav to  be deployed en a 8mile long lyne.  tha onion slodiers ended up  flanking us.   stunn Wal wuz just standin thare tha whole tyme.   we  where doin sooo bad butt than gen. beuragaurd gut us sum food. we  where soo hangry we foraged four food.    tha onion fal upart  annd  wee wun!!!!!!!!!!   Thomaz dezerted uss oof. he gannabe en soooo much truble prob. die i feel bad 4 him.  im just glade we wun. gooo  confederacy.

1861- Journal Entry

update: its been couple of days ago that the rebs had won da battle of manassas . im pretty sure we are gonna win dis my friends are all hopefal. i hope my fathar is proud and my gurlfriend! my regiment was so exzited when we won. we had gottten back to our regiment and had celabrated with each othar tat night.

1861-Jurnal Intrey

Juli 18, 1861          A cuple of days ago the c onfederacy won tha battle of Manassas πŸ˜ƒ. that is reelly good fur us becuze its one step clozer to r goal. i wondar how mi family is taking tha good nuws. mi regiment wus piced to b en tha battle i wus scart😟. but wen i herd that beaurgard was our general i wus cunfidint. and at tha end we won and we had a big celibraton.

Letter home -Fred Bloom Jr

Dear Susan an' fatha, Tensions is high back in south carolina and me was just fighting fort sumtner and me and them guys won!   My regument is hard workin though we been through some tough times. We just bout to start an war. fatha keep a eye out for dos run away slavs a an sherrif .  Licon is ruinin u s so as u no, we seceded.  i hope all you folks r doin good back home. how is the kids. how are just life. I hop to see you sonn.  Love your husban and sone, Fred

Letter Home- James Brooks

dad, how ar yall? hows amelia? hows the war department? is amelia still not working? i hope yall ar ok. i jus got done wit inlistin in the army. plus am in da confederate side i hope that wi well get ta keep da swaves  i mane da swaves ar hapy. i am bout to leave  and i am redy fur it. my commander says i am a bery hard worcing man!  da rebals are beatin da union s booty. hopfally i will get to doo da same! well i will hav ta get bac to work. james.

Letter home- Lawrence Simonds

April, 06,  2019          Deer Ma and Pa, how r u guys. ijust gut back form gettin inlisted en tha war. dont worrie Pa iam en tha confederate syde. U dont need too worrie bout them slaves gettin freed. i now how moch u u hate tha thooght of them slaves takin ur job.   Mi job es tu wotch the batterys and git tha cannons and martors en theyr positens.  i alsooo hove too du cartridge boxes . Thets whan u pot bullets and roundes en thes leather box soo wi got supplies to feight. i wuz soo darn mad whin i realised thet these so caled border states didnt leev tha union.  i meen u got slaves too like dont u want tooo kep em. Any wayz i hupe thes war only takes 1yr tooo 6months. cant weight to si u a gain.                                                            luv, Lawrence

Letter to home- Andy Hatfield

Ma and Pa            how r u and hows Als leg. i hop that hes doin ok. i am up neer virgini and north corolina. i hav a dooty to feed the horses for the calvary.   mi rations are hardtack and i miss yur sweet tattr pie. mi comander says that we will deploy soon  and i am scart. it is reely cold fer march. mi coat is all in taers and mi boots r holie. i h eers tha rebs r beetin up on the yanks. i should b home soon.  miss yall Andy